Saturday, May 31, 2014

Why I Sail a 100 Yearl-old Boat

Today when twin hulls foil on top
Why splash through waves that slow and stop?
With carbon-fiber’s proven use
Why still a mast of sitka spruce?
When titanium’s in demand
Why lay-up fiberglass by hand?
And as I stop to think of it
A GPS would help a bit.

The boat I sail’s a century old
At least in its design and mold.
When Princip shot Duke Ferdinand
That year when World War One began,
When Charlie Chaplin’s on-screen vamp
Introduced The Little Tramp,
Then Cap’n Nat got Emmons’ note
And made by hand the H12 boat.

He had a goal for ease of sail
So kids could learn in Buzzard’s gale,
Though it’s not hard to make her go,
The trick is not to sail her slow.
The gaff-rigged main can be perverse
The peak-set is the devil’s curse:
Stretch it, loose it, lower to lee,
Forget to raise – a tragedy!

There’re more mistakes that can occur
When putting up the spinnaker.
I’ve made them all and here’s my list –
It starts with getting a forestay-twist;
I’ve had it doused into the sea
Which slowed my pace considerably;
Other times it’s up too long
And I jibe the mark completely wrong.

This H12 boat can separate
The best, from sailors not-so-great
Because it tests their seamanship
Instead of high tech brinkmanship.
So when it’s a comparison
Of Cap’n Nat and Ellison,
I’m proud to sail, when I cast off,

The boat that’s named for Herreshoff.

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