Wednesday, June 12, 2019



Three dollars, three minutes
the barker tempts.  Tilt-a-Whirl 
spins our backs against its cylinder wall. 
Girls scream, guys muscle their arms, 
no one can move legs.  It tilts.  
Eyes open, eyes shut, doesn’t matter – 
stomach floats into throat.

The solstice is so much easier.  
Spinning a thousand miles an hour 
is like standing still.  Nothing 
at our back to keep us upright 
except atmosphere.  Chili dogs 
and beer trouble our stomach, 
but not the spinning and tilting 
under our feet.  

In June, vacation comes 
for school kids, sun warms the sand 
and our bare feet, strawberries pop red 
among low green leaves, blueberries 
plump for picking, and the fair 
visits the town’s vacant lot.

Do you feel the planet shift –  
the tilt going the other way?  
Sunlight will shorten now 
and bring a little diminishment 
every day.  Hurry, hurry
the barker calls, Take the ride 
of your life.