Friday, October 5, 2012

The Center of Europe

Six bikers, eight days, three countries to see
The center of Europe and its history - 
Who's conquered lately, whose ghost may still lurk
The Hun, the German, Soviet or the Turk.

And now the Americans invade it by bike
Swilling the Kofala they’ve learned to like,
Laying waste to the road, to the hill, to the mile
Though teeth chatter sometimes when they try to smile.

Eileen has her guidebooks and is eager to hear
What Jani will say about each local beer
Which she lists on her iPhone so she'll be reminded
By her digital assistant if she ever can find it.

Josh and his iPad keep us current on news
Times editorials and CNN views.
In spite of the shivers and on-coming cold,
His Wiener Schnitzel never gets old.

Dick's feet are like magnets attached to the pedal
For distance and steepness, he gets the medal.
But when Kathy asks, "What would you like to do?"
He quickly responds, "My dear, after you."

So Kathy pumps it, right up the hill
And sometimes at dinner, she pays the bill
Which she does with unusual wit, style and grace
Showered, shampooed, not a hair out of place.

Barbara is ready for unguided thrills,
But may over-shoot when she speeds down the hills.
Uphill, she's steady, determined and strong
Once into granny-gear, she seldom goes wrong.

Don's breathing sounds like the big bad wolf's huff
But hasn't the oomph for a house-flattening puff.
Instead as he pedals, he thinks of a poem
To share with the bikers when they finally get home.

Our leader’s alert to “Jani”, “Jano” or “Jan”
Assisting, cajoling as we bike along.
Counting our noses, he's helpful and quick
Because bikers, like weather, are hard to predict.

Ivan is right there at the top of the turns
With gorp, fruit and water when uphill legs burn.
He fills up the bottle and pumps up the tire
And brings in the bags so the guests can retire.

North cross Slovakia, our hearty bike band
The river in Hungary and Polish hill land,
Shared some of ourselves over coffee and meals
On a trip that's been more than just spinning wheels.

Tonight is the time for our last celebration
Reprising our three-country biking migration.
Lets raise one last toast, one final libation:
Thanks Jano and Ivan for a great bike vacation!

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